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About two weeks after I made my third thing with Ren'Py, which I never shown, my English teacher gave us (all students in my class) assignment on explaining some tenses using PowerPoint Presentation or others. This was a group work, and I was pretty unlucky to get a tense I've never learnt before. I got a Past Perfect Continuous Tense. For God's sake, what was that?! Well... I didn't care much about what was it, but I had a plan on how to make the presentation. You know what my plan was...
A day after we got the assignment, we worked with PowerPoint, I've searched the materials the night before, so we didn't have much problems with this. After working for an hour or more, I told my friends that I was going to finish the rest. They agreed, but they didn't know what I was going to do...
When I reached my home after that, I went straight to my computer, worked this presentation. I had got a few ideas for this presentation before. For the BG, I used one BG from 'Project Nattsu', this was illegal, cuz I didn't tell the maker of 'Project Nattsu', but, come on, this was private use only...
Okay, back again. For Character Art, I planned using 'Wendy' by Mikan. But, because of some
problems, I changed it with 'Sylvie' from Deji. It was a nice drawing, too.
What else... oh, right, I didn't use many customized things, but I did use some 'show expression' in the script, which, I thought, responsible for some weird changes between the screen.
Long story short, I finished this after working for a day or two. With still some stuff need to be fixed. But after a few show delays, I managed to clean what was wrong.
So, just about a week or so, we shown the presentation, my friends, of course, surprised. But I told them that this would be easier than normal PowerPoint Presentation (cuz you just need to read the description below, no need to understand much more). So, we did it. My other friends were surprised too, cuz this was a very rare experience (I bet that I was the first student in my school using Ren'Py for presentation).
We managed to finish showing the presentation, but I must say that it wasn't as easy as I thought before. My friends didn't get used to with this kind of thing, so, several mistakes. But, in the end, it was okay, though. My second Ren'Py presentation worked well...
Yep, I'm really sure that this thing has so much records. This is the first Indonesian-language VN, the first presentation VN, the quickest VN I've ever made, first VN talking about Democracy, et cetera, et cetera...(There's much more, if you wanna find out). Okay, enough there. Just a few weeks ago, when my Civics teacher gave us (all students in my class) assignments about Democracy in Indonesia. First, to find a picture that represents it, and we could make a presentation to explain it. And then... you know, I thought it would be great to make a presentation with Ren'Py. I mean, I had learnt all the basics, and for a simple presentation, I thought it was more than enough.
So...after a few delays, I made this presentation only a day before the lesson (I mean, the presentation day), and I worked on it in the evening... So, you know, I needed to hurry... After searching for a few images for BG in the internet, I must processed them first, cuz the size weren't equal with the window size. And then, for the Character Art, I picked 'Peter' from Mikan. Dunno why, just choosing. For music, I picked 'Illusion' from Alessio, I found the file in the Ren'Py demo (Instant Music, Ha!)
After about an hour working on pictures, finally, time to work on script. I found out that this was not too hard, since I already knew what I was going to say for the presentation. Beside that, I did not use customized things.
And...just before 4 hours of working, this was done! Really done, I mean, already built for distribution. This was my record, on making a complete VN (or, in this case, a presentation) in a very short time.
FYI, I think my teacher forgot about that assignment, and right until NOW, I never show this presentation. But, screw it, then...
Oh, do I need to upload this? Dunno, maybe after I fix the credits, cuz I didn't put credits on the script.
If you see the widget in 'My Finished Projects', you'll find three files with O.T.W-something names. That was my very first project, and still left like that until now...
Back then when I was at my first attempt on using Ren'Py, I was so confused on what story I'm going to write (and still, until now). I don't know how I get the idea to write this thing. Just a flash in my memory, that I was thinking about 'Egoism' before I wrote the story, and yeah, the story itself was about egoism.
The story talks about a man who's going to go to his workplace, and hit by two students. Because of his own egoism, he lost his job. How come? Well...all I can say is: Read it yourself! Oh, right, the story had no choice, so it's Kinetic Novel. Actually there was one choice, but that was for choosing whether you want to read Author's Notes or not.
Background Arts were all photoghraphs, and taken by myself, using my friend's camera. All the photographs were taken on street I'll pass when I'm going to school. Yep, they all were taken in Semarang, in Kalisari and Pemuda Street to be exact. And the school photos were my own school.
Character Arts, there were several characters. I was using 'Wendy' from Mikan, 'Felix' from Tarra-Nakatsu Hua, 'Celeste' from Deji, and one more from Ren.
There were no music for this project, and I was crazy enough to put my schoolname and classname in the project (Cuz for sure, nobody will care!). For many reasons, I wanted to re-work this project, but, you know, I lost my will to do it. So, it might never be re-worked.
In the end, I didn't suggest you to download this, except you're very curious of what a worst story VN could be.